The Role of Kumon Instructors

The role of a Kumon Instructor is to bring out the potential in each individual.

Kumon Instructors always learn from children. The role of a Kumon Instructor is to discover each student’s level of academic ability and continually provide students with worksheets that are suitable to their respective ability levels. Instructors ensure that students always experience a sense of achievement in their daily study, which helps students enjoy studying and enables them to increase their ability independently. Through observing students’ learning situations, Instructors become keenly aware of how students are changing and improving, and search for things that will aid their future instruction.

At Enrollment

Deciding a starting point and setting up a study projection

The Diagnostic Test

Students take a Diagnostic Test when they enroll in Kumon. Instructors refer to the results of this test to determine the appropriate starting point that allows each student to enjoy their study and receive perfect scores.

Then, Instructors make a study plan for each student to achieve a certain goal and estimate how long it will take to get there. In Kumon, this is called “setting up a study projection.” Kumon Instructors always provide instruction with each student’s study projection in mind.

Before study

Allocating worksheets
The “just-right” level of study

Based on students’ previous results, on completed worksheets and on observing the way students studying, Instructors carefully consider each day’s study session and provide students with worksheets that will enable them to study and advance independently. When instructing students who have just advanced to a new learning focus, or students who are not advancing as quickly as they had been, Instructors will talk with them before they begin studying and advise them about how to study or about the learning focus for the day.

During study

Observing students and guiding them to do the worksheets on their own Helping students to self-learn

Instructors observe students as they do the worksheets and give hints and advice only when necessary. Then, when students complete the worksheets, Instructors grade them. If there are any errors on the worksheets, Instructors avoid giving the students the answers right away. Instead, they give students hints so that they realize on their own what parts are incorrect and the reasons why.

After study

Recognition, praise and encouragement
Communicating with students

After study is complete, Instructors check students’ results, and praise and encourage them to increase their motivation to learn. Then, Instructors give students worksheets to be done at home, together with advice on how to approach them.

Analysis and Adjustment

Instructors use record sheets to record students’ progress, consider the best way to have students advance, and optimize the study plan. The study projection that was made at the time of enrollment is examined periodically and, if necessary, the study projection and the way instruction is carried out are adjusted accordingly.

Communication with Parents

The support of parents and guardians is essential in order to successfully maximize students’ ability. Instructors talk with parents and guardians on a daily basis about the way students study at home and the content that they are currently studying. Instructors also discuss the future study plan with parents and guardians in a way that is easy to understand so that mutual understanding is achieved. Then, they work together to increase students’ potential and develop their ability to the maximum.

Through constantly analyzing and adjusting the way they instruct students, Kumon Instructors help develop every student’s ability to the maximum.

Research activities

Searching for ways to improve instruction
Studying the worksheets and honing instruction skills

Instructors search for ways to further improve their instruction on a daily basis so they are always able to select the worksheets that are the most appropriate and that promote enthusiastic learning. Instructors attend training sessions and work hard to further improve their instruction skills. Instructors also attend conferences at national, regional and international levels so they can learn new skills from their peers.